Qur'anic Conceptions of the Self/Soul
a. False Islamization vs. Islamic psychology
b. Constructing a new building vs. old building w/ Islamic paint
c. Detoxification – removing unIslamic aspects of Western psychology
d. Distinguishing the useful from the harmful
e. Understanding nafs from the Qur’an
f. Nafs as spiritual
g. Embracing the unseen reality
h. Conceptions of self as soul- spiritual reality
i. Nafs
i. Spiritual identity that has free will
ii. Personality
iii. Will be taken into account after death
iv. Good nafs and evil nafs
v. Nafs al mutmainah
j. Ruh
i. The Qur'an itself
ii. Jibril
iii. The spirit that Allah breathed into humans
iv. Always pure, never corrupted
v. Returns to Allah
k. Ghazali's conception
i. Nafs (battleground)
ii. Ruh as pure
iii. Shaytan is evil
l. Using of this conception for diagnosis
m. Defense mechanisms against shaytan, not ego
n. Use this conception for your therapeutic approach
o. Treating the sicknesses of the heart