IAIP Inaugural Conference
Evolving Islamic Psychology:
Past, Present & Future
October 26, 27 & 28, 2018

Access full presentation videos from the conference here
Presentation Highlights

"We are not emancipated yet. We don't look at our Islam as a world view and all it has to give. We superficially read stories of the Prophets in the Qur'an rather than seeing the psychological benefits of these stories."
- Malik Badri
"The Head (intellect), The Heart (spiritual and psychological) and the Hands (the physical body) must all be addressed within our communities in a holistic model that preserves all of these."
- Imam Mohamed Magid

"The Qur'an says we were created in "kabad" which means that a person has been placed in a container and he/she is too big for. If we do not rise, we fall into existential constriction."
- Mustafa Merter
"We are reclaiming the narrative of that which is actually our own heritage."
- Rania Awaad

"We need to understand Islam in a way that is applicable to our daily lives. It is not so much about a theory we need to construct and apply, rather it is about actually being."
-Abdallah Rothman
"There are different types of depression; biological, which should be treated by a hakim or a dr., trauma induced, and then there is depression that is actually a state of repentance, and that is not depression at all- it is "gold dust" and incredibly valuable."
- Rasjid Skinner

"Anyone who is depressed is barely breathing. When we stop breathing we stop being able to experience emotion."
- Hakim Archuletta
"People teaching the tradition have taught us that the self (nafs) is very low, but realize that even the self is divine. Every night when you sleep, the self returns to the Lord. Even the self, is royal and a window to the divine."
- Elham Abubakr

"A psychologist is not a spiritual guide, we should not confuse the two and think that we are guiding people on the spiritual path."
- Hooman Keshavarzi
"We need to approach all study of psychology with critical thinking and integrate what is beneficial from the Western tradition with what we know from the Islamic tradition."
- Alizi Alias

"We go to all different studies to learn about psychology, but we don't look to the treasure that we have within our own tradition."
- Suleyman Derin
"True humility is to look back at yourself and realize there is nothing to be humble about."
- Yusuf Jha

Following the theme of the conference,
presentations focused around three themes:

Showcasing the vast resources within the Islamic tradition that help define and lay the foundation for a paradigm of psychology from an Islamic perspective. Highlighting how the works of classical scholars have paved the way for the development of Islamic psychology. Highlighting how the Qur'an and hadith serve as guides to the psychology of human beings. Presenting accounts and examples of the great amount of work that has already been done in the development of the field over the past 40 some years.

Demonstrating how the history of psychology from the Islamic tradition can and is being developed and contextualized in and for the modern world. Highlighting parallels with Islam and modern psychology, as well as examples of integration of Islam with modern treatment methods. Reporting on current research, innovative treatment development, and ongoing projects related to new trends in the field.

Sharing visions for the future of the field and initiatives that are underway that are paving the way toward a future of Islamic psychology. Reporting on the development of courses, programs, clinics, institutes etc. Articulating ideas and intentions for educating and training new generations of researchers and practitioners in the field of Islamic psychology as well as potential ways for colleagues in the field to combine energies in collaborative efforts.

See more photos and quotes from the Conference on our social media outlets: