IAIP is pleased to be able to offer scholarships to graduate students who wish to focus their thesis on a research topic related to Islamic psychology. The purpose of this initiative is to encourage the interest and academic contribution of young, up and coming scholars and clinicians in this developing field.

The area of Islamic psychology is defined broadly as the knowledge of the human psyche as described in the Quran and Hadith. Hence, research from students in the humanities, social sciences and/or religion is encouraged. The main target of this limited number of scholarships (4-5) is PhD or Masters students who are doing a research project for their thesis. As funds grow, more scholarships might become possible. A Selection Committee comprised of four IAIP Fellows will review applications, shortlist and select candidates on a rolling basis. There is no deadline, as applicants will be accepted based on the merit of their research proposal until the funds are all awarded.
Purpose: To promote research and publication in the area of Islamic psychology. The research emphasis is on originality, development of concepts and ideas derived from the Quran, without repetition of the works of other scholars.
Topics: Examples of research topics include but are not limited to: Psychological terms in the Quran and their relevance in present-day context, Islamic Psychology in Early Muslim Scholarship, Application of Qur'anic knowledge on human understanding and behavior, translation of the works of early Muslim scholars in relation to ilm an nafs, evidence-based Qur'anic remedies for mental health problems, etc.
Timeline: Applications can be submitted at the start of the development of the research proposal from any accredited University.
Amount: The total amount of each scholarship is $1,000 USD. Awards will be given twice, $500 after acceptance of research proposal and another $500 after completion/publication of paper or successful defense of dissertation.
Application Process
Please complete the below application form and attach:
Your research proposal that you have submitted/plan to submit to your institution based on their requirements.
A personal essay explaining why you believe you deserve this scholarship (not more than 500 words)
Letter of Recommendation from your university supervisor on letterhead.