Initiating education opportunities for study and training in psychology within an Islamic paradigm
In partnership with other institutions, IAIP helps facilitate the development of well-rounded academic and experiential curricula that provide a solid foundation in the theory and practice of Islamic Psychology for both experienced and aspiring professionals. Classical knowledge is taught along with insight from modern psychology as to how it can be applied in clinical psychology in today’s world from within an Islamic paradigm. Our educational approach is the result of decades of scholarship and research from our team of contemporary Islamic psychologists.

We partner with institutions to offer IAIP approved programs that qualify as prerequisites for our clinical training certification program.

Cambridge Muslim College (CMC)
IAIP has partnered with CMC in Cambridge, UK, to offer a two-part education leading toward IAIP certification for individuals. The first part is an academic program offered by CMC, giving students a grounding in theoretical foundations of Islamic psychology: The Diploma in Islamic Psychology. The second part is a clinical training program offered by the IAIP, giving students hands on experience putting theory into practice: The Advanced Clinical Training Certificate.
Diploma in Islamic Psychology
CMC has developed a one of a kind academic program in Islamic Psychology which gives students a solid foundation in theory of both theology and psychology. This is a fully online course taught live with a cohort of 25 students for an interactive and experiential learning experience. The faculty teaching on the program are IAIP Fellows and the curriculum is approved by the IAIP. This program is a prerequisite for the IAIP Advanced Clinical Training Certificate. Students who complete this Diploma will have priority enrollment for the Advanced Clinical Training Certificate program.
Advanced Clinical Training Certificate
IAIP has developed a 3-week intensive certification course in Islamic therapeutic practice for those who already have an education in theoretical foundations of Islamic psychology. Practitioners are given hands on training in Islamic psychotherapy, traditional Islamic medicine, and traditional Islamic spiritual healing. Participants who complete this training are eligible for IAIP certification, after a period of clinical supervision. This course is in-person only and held in the summer at Cambridge Muslim College in the UK. Priority registration is given to graduates of the CMC Diploma. Any remaining spaces are open to applicants who can provide evidence of other IAIP approved education in Islamic psychology theoretical foundations. More details to come.
Introduction to Islamic Psychology & Psychotherapy
IAIP and CMC offer an introductory course in Islamic Psychology & Psychotherapy. This week long intensive is held in person at CMC in Cambridge, UK and is an introductory course open to all levels of experience. The course is meant to orient participants to an Islamic paradigm of psychology and introduce the theory behind Islamic psychology. This does not qualify participants to practice, nor does it count as a pre-requisite to the Advanced Clinical Training Certificate.
*Due to continued restrictions on in-person gatherings in the UK, this course is postponed until further notice.

Khalil Center
Khalil Center in the US and Canada offers IAIP-approved training programs that lead to IAIP certification for individual practitioners.

Traditional Islamically Integrated Psychotherapy (TIIP)
TIIP is the culmination of Khalil Center’s research on psychological treatment conducted by its interdisciplinary team consisting of dually trained professionals and Islamic scholars. The TIIP model offers a framework for integrating contemporary behavioral science into an inherently Islamic framework. The foundations of this model are rooted in an Islamic epistemological and ontological framework.
The practice applications of this model are through techniques that are of two types:
Inherently Islamic approaches of psychotherapy inspired by the Qur’an, Prophetic Tradition and the traditions of the scholars particularly of the spiritual sciences of taziyah al-nafs such as muraqabah, dua etc.
Adaptation and integration of mainstream interventions that are consistent with the foundations and principles of Traditional Islamically Integrated Psychotherapy (TIIP).
This programme consists of 3 levels of training followed by a case presentation to a panel of 3 TIIP certified practitioners. Firstly, students learn the foundations of TIIP. Then, they learn techniques on advanced application of TIIP across treatment settings and problems. Level 3 would comprise of 150 practice hours under a TIIP supervisor through the treatment of at least ten therapy cases where TIIP was utilized.

Ihsaan in the UK offers IAIP-approved training programs that lead to IAIP certification for individual practitioners.
Certificate 1
This five-day programme introduces Western-trained mental health professionals, psychologists, psychotherapists, researchers and counsellors to the philosophy and methodology of psychology from an Islamic perspective. The course will present a faith-based theoretical understanding of mental health as well as suggesting practical ways of working with mentally distressed individuals. Those successfully completing the programme will be given a Certificate of Completion on Islamic Approaches to Psychology and Psychotherapy.

Certificate 2
This five-day programme is for those who have completed the Ihsaan Certificate One course. This experiential training course goes beyond introduction to theory and concepts and contextualizes frameworks of Islamic Psychology within the therapeutic encounter. The course is designed for Western-trained mental health professionals, psychologists, psychotherapists, and counsellors to re-orient their clinical practice to be more aligned with an Islamic paradigm of health and healing and to be introduced to clinical applications.

AlNilain University
IAIP has partnered with Al Nilain University in Khartoum, Sudan to work toward an academic program in Islamic Psychology.
Diploma Program
IAIP and AlNilain aim to launch a diploma in Islamic Psychology. Students enrolled in this program will be given a foundational education in Islamic psychology from the ground up. This program introduces students to Western theories of psychology and orients them to the Islamic paradigm and indigenous models of treatment. Practical application in therapeutic practice is part of the curriculum.
Masters Degree
Exceptional students who complete the diploma program at AlNilain will have the opportunity to continue their studies in the form of a research project that can lead to a Masters degree in Islamic Psychology and Psychotherapy.
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